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Mind and Awareness

 LO-RIG or MIND in Tibetan Buddhism. We use the word 'mind' continually in our conversations, but if we ask ourselves what we mean by 'mind', it becomes obscure. Geshe Doga will present this special series of teachings on the mind from a Buddhist viewpoint, so that we can acquire a clearer understanding of what it is and how it functions.

We recommend for self-study to work through each block progressively. You are able to study at your own pace using the transcripts, discussion points and exams.
If you would like any help or guidance, click here to access our contact page. Please send us a message putting "self study help" in the subject field. One of our senior Dharma students will get in touch with you.

click on the block to view/download

Click to access the topic outlines for block 1 / block 2, with links to the relevant transcripts
(this will take you to a dedicated website)

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