Whether you’re dealing with acute or chronic illness or facing a health crisis, we offer techniques to support and guide you to better manage life’s challenges.
This approach can support you, your family and those who love you
In this busy world, where can you turn to when you are dealing with chronic pain and illness? Or when you are confronted with overwhelming challenges which can threaten your health and way of life?

The Healing Group welcomes all those who are facing life-threatening, chronic or other significant health issues, including anxiety, depression, grief and loss.
In offering a safe space to explore your options we hope to show you how you might make your own breakthroughs. Our new and revised programme is specifically designed to guide you through a range of healing and meditation techniques that can function as a valuable adjunct to
Western-based medical approaches.
The Healing Group is held fortnightly on Thursdays, from 11am to 12.30pm
Each session includes:
Guided meditations – no experience necessary
Explanatory talks – with time for questions you may have
Discussions and group sharing – so valuable to connect with and learn from each other
…Followed by tea and cake and time to chat
The structure of each session is relaxed and informal. Every session is complete in itself but also sequentially builds on previous ones.
Tara Institute is a Buddhist Centre but you don’t need to be Buddhist in order to benefit from the Healing Group programme. Our approach is simply to introduce you to a variety of avenues - both ancient and contemporary - promoting health and well-being.

Kathi Melnic
Having studied and worked as a volunteer in counselling, palliative care, and grief and loss, Kathi has spent many years supporting people suffering with chronic health conditions and emotional issues, drawing on the deep insight Eastern and Western philosophies offer.

William Liew
As a pharmacist for most of his working life, William has a wealth of experience in discussing with patients their diagnosis and treatment, and providing advice and emotional support, aided by his long-time meditation practice.

Meagan Wilson
Meagan has worked in the mental health field for many years and also as a university
lecturer in public health and complementary medicine. She is also a certified meditation teacher with an interest in the role that meditation can play in supporting health and wellbeing.
In line with Venerable Geshe Doga’s suggestions, the Healing Group is now presenting a new programme. This will follow the same 9 part sequence, and as before, attendance can begin at any point in the 9 session outline – no need to start at Session 1 – as each session is complete in itself.
Session 1: Foundations of Health and Well-Being
Causes of Disease
Managing Pain and Distress
Creating Mental Space
Promoting Positive Outcomes
Session 4: The Power of Forgiveness
For Self and Others
Working with Guilt and Shame
Regret and Resolution
Purifying Destructive Mind-states​
Session 2: Addressing Disturbing Emotions
​Why all this Suffering in Life?
A Catalyst of Disease
Dealing with Depression, Fear, Anger, Grief, etc.
Acceptance or Resistance - Suppression or Release
Session 5: Transformative Qualities – love and compassion
Attachment Vs Love
The Power of Compassion and Altruism
Taking and Giving
Infinite Gratitude​
Session 3: The Human Potential
Our Unique Opportunity as Human Beings
Constraints of Illness
Making Life Meaningful
Priorities and Goals
Meditation – Establishing a Regular Practice​
Session 6: Living with Chronic Illness and Pain
Coping Strategies
Loneliness and Isolation
Mental Imprints and Predispositions
Sourcing Inner Strength​
Session 7: Understanding the Nature of Existence
Interdependence - The Way Things Exist
Science Meets Spirituality
The Ultimate Nature of Disease
Meditation - Penetrating Reality​
Session 8: Empowering Meditation Practices
Single-pointed Focus
Session 9: The Fragility of Life
The Transient Nature of Life
The Message of Mortality
The Singular Opportunity – Once in a Lifetime
Our Inner Friend
These 9 sessions repeat throughout the year, however it is not essential to start at session 1,
you are welcome to attend at any time
At the Healing Group, you’ll find care and assistance with navigating your various challenges.
There is No Charge – but Donations are Greatly Welcomed.
The Presenters are not paid or compensated for their time, however there are real costs involved in presenting the Programme. So if you are able and willing to contribute (even $10) we are very grateful and it will help to ensure the continuation of the Programme.
Come When it Suits You – but Please Register
You may register online or call the office on 9596 8900. You are making no commitment but providing your email address will enable us to notify you of updates or unavoidable changes prior to each session and send you information regarding special upcoming events.
To enquire about joining, please email healing.group@tarainstitute.org.au, or click here to register.
We look forward to seeing you there.